Online Seminars

On Demand Programs​

CRE Lending – Developing a Cash Flow and Key Ratios-Fa24

This program demonstrates (from a case study) the key variables and concepts for determining real estate cash flow, including transaction-level stress-testing and where to find information from existing sources, such as tax returns, and what additional information may be needed, such as customer rent rolls.

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Personal Tax Returns and Cash Flow – Advanced Personal Cash Flow Issues, Including Capital Gains-Fa24

Many bankers underwrite loans primarily from personal and business tax returns, particularly at the community bank level. What reported income is actually cash flow? How can we properly assess a large capital gain (or loss)? How can you determine of an item is recurring? Why should you exclude non-recurring items? How do loss carryforwards affect cash flow? What is the Section 179 deduction? This program provides answers and provides case examples.

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Personal Tax Returns and Cash Flow – Advanced Personal Cash Flow Issues, Including Capital Gains-Sp25

Many bankers underwrite loans primarily from personal and business tax returns, particularly at the community bank level. What reported income is actually cash flow? How can we properly assess a large capital gain (or loss)? How can you determine of an item is recurring? Why should you exclude non-recurring items? How do loss carryforwards affect cash flow? What is the Section 179 deduction? This program provides answers and provides case examples.

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