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Online Seminars

On Demand Programs​

CECL Foundations-Sp24

This program is aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently navigate the CECL landscape consistent with emerging best practices.

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IRA Beneficiary Distributions-Sp24

This two-part comprehensive course covering in-depth aspects of Traditional and Roth IRA beneficiary options that addresses all the changes resulting from the SECURE Act, including essential topics of beneficiary election deadlines, distribution rules and restrictions, reporting requirements, and year-of-death required minimum distribution issues.

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IRA Distributions-Sp24

From federal tax implications, including how the early distribution penalty tax applies to IRA owners to how IRA distributions are paid out, our experts provide the know how to get you there.

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IRA Transfers and Rollovers-Sp24

Retirement plan portability is one of the most popular topics fielded on our consulting lines. Attending this course will help ensure that you are up to date and handling these transactions properly.

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The Great Money Migration-Sp24

This program will lay out how Institutions that master funding strategy and the corresponding product offering, while excelling at depositor engagement, can become the destination for money moving from asset classes such as stocks and crypto, and potentially away from other institutions, to safe banking products offering compelling options and returns.

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