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Bank Cybersecurity School

Key Information Security Strategies

Online bank fraud has been described as epidemic, with numbers that are staggering — it’s estimated that U.S. banks lose $1.5 billion to phishing attacks annually. Consider also that mobile devices are now ubiquitous and hackers are getting ever-more sophisticated in their ability to gain access to sensitive data and it’s clear that there is a need for proactive IT security offense and defense to stop attacks including phishing, malware, coordinated denial of service attacks, hacktivist breeches and more. The threats to the banking sector are multiple and significant — both financially and reputationally. Today’s bank customer is rightfully concerned about online banking fraud and studies show that the majority of customers would change banks if they became a victim of fraud at their current institution. Security breeches not only cost significant dollars, but they also destroy erode consumer trust. Being proactive is key.

Don’t miss this innovative school that’s designed by, and especially for, information security officers in the financial industry. This state-of-the-art program will broaden your understanding of the business of banking including key drivers of bank profitability, along with an in depth, interactive and hands-on study of the latest IT security techniques and strategies.

The school uses a mix of lecture, small group discussions and interactive computer labs. The hands-on, computer-based simulation labs will allow you to explore penetration and vulnerability testing, security attacks, early detection of data breeches and more. You’ll spend class time diving deep with IT security experts and knowledgeable colleagues who will become a network to call upon for years to come. Apply today to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from experts in the banking industry about today’s key issues in information assurance.

Who Should Attend

Whether you’re a veteran Information Security Officer or new to the IT security field, this powerful program will give you the skills and knowledge to effectively secure your bank’s and your customers’ most sensitive information.

Program of Study

To give attendees the best learning experience possible this program has limited enrollment to allow for a truly personal interaction. The school is packed with real world information about the latest in IT security and information assurance — practical information that will help you stay a step ahead of those who’d do your organization harm. The school has been divided into two core areas of study – the business of banking and information technology security.

Experience the GSB Difference

The Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is widely recognized as one of the leading and most progressive graduate banking school in the country. Using feedback from its alumni, Banker Advisory Board and sponsoring state bankers associations, GSB continuously updates program offerings to meet current professional development needs in the banking industry. In developing the Bank Technology Security School, specifically for IS professionals in the banking industry, GSB sought out the industry’s finest banking industry experts to design and teach the program. Visit our faculty page to meet your instructors.

More than 23,000 alumni have benefited personally and professionally from attending the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. You, too, can benefit from a GSB learning experience. We hope you’ll join us for the Bank Technology Security School!


Students are responsible for booking their own lodging for this program. Classes begin Monday morning, so those who are traveling to Madison are encouraged to arrive on Sunday. A block of rooms will be available at the Fluno Center for Executive Education and the Hilton Doubletree Hotel until the enrollment deadline – although participants are welcome to book at a nearby hotel if they wish.