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Admission Requirements

Admission to the Bank Cybersecurity School is by application only. Those seeking admission should complete an application online application.

Admission requirements are designed to select those applicants who are prepared by experience and prior education to derive the greatest benefit from this advanced management program. Each applicant must qualify under one of the following criteria:

  • Employees of FDIC-insured banks or savings institutions.
  • State and federal financial institution regulatory officials and directors of banks or savings institutions with educational background and experience comparable to that required of bank officers.
  • Professionals from firms providing services to banks and savings institutions who have the necessary educational and experience backgrounds will be considered for admission on a case by case basis and will be dependent on available space.
  • International bankers are welcome and will be considered for admission based on education and experience.

As a matter of policy, the Graduate School of Banking does not discriminate among applicants and participants on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, color, handicap, orientation or marital status.