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This one-week school includes practical, hands-on labs that will allow you to work with learned concepts in real-world situations. This applied learning is a key benefit of participating and will provide skills and tools you can put to use immediately at your bank. The program’s curriculum features two core areas of study – the business of banking and effective technology management. Courses will cover topics in key areas such as these:


  • Introduction to the Business of Banking
    Learn the major components of a bank’s balance sheet, income statement and key ratios used in decision-making at the bank. This session also outlines the concept of strategic planning and achievement of sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Bank Profitability Analysis
    Attendees will come away with a clear understanding of the main components that affect bank profitability. You’ll explore management’s focus on certain ratios and the effect on human resources requirements.
  • Asset/Liability Management
    In this session, attendees will learn the goals, organization, and process of asset/liability management and how to integrate A/L with IT management goals. You’ll gain a better understanding of how to identify different types of risk and the implications of risk mismatch.
  • Bank Regulatory & Competitive Environment
    Learn the forces that affect industry competitiveness and the impact of deregulation on earnings. Key issues for bank survival and prosperity and the shift from product-driven to market-driven strategies will also be discussed.


  • Project Management Essentials
    Learn to master the critical elements of successful IT project management and keep your bank’s vital projects on track and on budget.
  • Vendor Management
    An important look at effectively managing risk and efficiencies as they relate to third party vendors. Discussion will focus on pitfalls to avoid and IT best practices to ensure success and security.
  • Leveraging Technology to Improve Your Competitive Position
    A comprehensive look at bank technologies including systems, hardware, software, Web sites, mobile solutions and other important technologies. An emphasis will be placed not only on identifying emerging technologies but how they can benefit your bank and assist in setting strategic IT priorities.
  • IT Disaster & Incident Response
    Deep dive into emergency preparedness processes and best practices available to IT managers to minimize the damage from an incident and resume normal bank operations as quickly as possible.
  • Information Technology Risk Assessment
    An examination of internal and external threats as well as mitigating controls so IT leaders can make sound business recommendations and help the bank achieve a successful IT examination.
  • 2020 IT Exam Preparation Hotspots
    Learn what the hotspots are tht regulators are going to be looking for in their next round of exams, and how you can be prepared at your bank.
  • Strategic Technology Management in Banking
    An important look at the importance of effectively managing technology as part of the banks’ overall strategy for success
  • Understanding Security Assessments/Understanding Social Engineering
    An important look at social engineering threats and how to protect your organization.
  • Threat Monitoring and Proactice Defensive Strategies
    Learn to be a step ahead of current and emrerging threats.
  • IT Strategic Planning
    Discover a proven process for effective IT planning.

NOTE: The Bank Technology Management School provides up to 4 hours of advanced placement credit toward several professional certifications available through the SBS Institute. For specifics, please contact SBS as they approve the credits toward these certifications.